Monday, December 17, 2018

Treasures of the Heart

"But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart." (Luke 2:19)

This year is in its final days, and that means that I find myself in a place of reflection and pondering as I think back on all that has happened in the last 12 months, and all that may occur in the next 12. I love this time of year, not only because of the joy and celebration we have with Christmas, but also because of the opportunity it brings to remember how God has worked this year and to pray through and plan for the next year.
One of my favorite parts of "The Christmas Story" in the Bible is the verse above, that talks about how Mary treasured up all of the things the shepherd's told her, and all that had happened to bring about the birth of her Holy Son and Savior. There is something very touching and meaningful about how she purposely "saved up" the events and words that had brought them to this moment, and then pondered them (some translations actually say she "weighed" them in her mind and heart), bringing them back to mind and dwelling on the vast meaning they held. I was struck recently by the fact that we can do this very thing ourselves, treasuring up the lessons, memories, and meaningful moments of our year and then pondering them throughout the days and months to come. Here are some reasons I think this could be meaningful to us, as well as some of the "treasures" I am dwelling on as this year comes to a close.
5 Blessings of "Treasuring Up"

1. It reminds us of the work God has accomplished. As we go throughout the year, God uses different circumstances, challenges, and people to work in us and help us become who He wants us to be. Treasuring up the lessons and growth He brings about keeps us actively aware of how He is involved in our lives and helps us to stay reliant on Him.

2. It brings us joy and hope. Saving up the good parts of the year, remembering all of the blessings and sweet moments, gives us a reservoir of joy and hope to draw on during the darker, harder days. I don't know about you, but when I think back on the abundance of good that God has poured out on me in the last year, it completely overwhelms me with joy and gratitude. Even when I am in darker days, struggling with depression or discouragement, remembering all of the blessings reminds me of God's good character, and the truth that there is more good to come.

3. It helps us to grow and change. Keeping the lessons and work God has accomplished in us fresh in our hearts makes it easier for us to continue to grow and change. When we come up against obstacles or challenges that would have derailed us before, we can draw on the new truths and growth we have received from God in order to obtain victory. The things that felt impossible before are no longer such a challenge because we have better, more effective tools.

4. It draws us closer to God. I love to think back on the sweet things people have done for me or gifts I've received from them because it makes me feel close to them, even if I haven't gotten to see them or be with them in a while. Much like that, when we think back on all that God has done in the last year, it draws us closer to Him and often leads us to worship and praise! Even the hard, challenging things that we experience and remember can draw us closer to Him as we bring it all before Him, asking Him to help us process, heal, and grow from it all.

5. It makes us purposeful. If we go throughout our days seeking to "treasure up", we are living much more purposefully. It takes focus and intention to save things up in our hearts, and energy to bring them back to mind and process them. It is impossible to float aimlessly through life if you are stopping every so often to gather up treasures for your heart.
What I am treasuring up as 2018 comes to an end

1. God's faithfulness in changing me and growing me. I know I've talked about this so much already, but it is probably the biggest treasure I've received this year, so I have to keep talking about it! I can't even describe the hope and encouragement I've received from God in realizing how much He has changed me. It is humbling, amazing, and beautiful, and something that I know I will draw on for the rest of my life.

2. My friendships. Another main treasure I've received this year that I hold very close to my heart is my friendships. This year God really used friends in my life to accomplish change, provide hope and joy, and inspire me to move forward in growth and maturity. I find it hard to even describe how meaningful my friends have been to me; it actually brings me to tears when I think back on the handful of people that have loved me, inspired me, challenged me, and walked with me through this year. What a gift from God, to be blessed with precious sisters like that.

3. God's lavish love. When I ponder this last year, I'm struck by how God poured out His lavish love on me. He worked on changing me and helping me to grow, but He also just gave me so many little joys and blessings that made my days happy. I really experienced Him as a joyful Father wanting to give good gifts to His child, things that He knew I would enjoy and would make me smile. That picture of God is one I want to keep forever.

4. My family. Again I find it hard to express the deep meaning in this treasure. Being a mommy of little ones means there are so many sweet, precious things to treasure up. Everything from seeing my firstborn learn a new skill after working hard at it, to hearing my daughter tell me I am the most beautiful thing she's ever seen, to my darling toddler's delightful sayings and quirks...every day has held potential for treasures with my sweet children.
There are also countless things I've treasured up with my husband this year: celebrating 10 years of marriage, seeing him grow and mature as a man of God and stepping up as God works in him, watching him enjoy our sweet overwhelms my heart with gratitude and joy.
Finally, I have had countless treasures from my extended family--wisdom and love from my parents and parents-in-love; abounding joy and laughter with all of my siblings (including my awesome "sister squad"); and I even got to savor a whole year with my sweet grandma being involved in our lives. Family has been indescribably "treasured" this year.

5. Loving Life. The last treasure I've pondered this year might seem a little bit strange; if you have never faced depression, you might not understand how loving life could be a treasure. However, I'm sad to say that this gift isn't always something I've held. I've struggled pretty consistently with wanting to run away from my life, needing to just escape and hide from everything. Honestly, it's still something I battle from time to time even now. Overall, though, this year has given me the gift of being able to say that I truly love my life. I look back on all that God has done, on the amazing people He has placed in my life, on the evidence of His love and work, and the promise of it all continuing...and I love my life. This treasure is one I intend to sink deep into my heart and spirit so that I can look back on it and ponder it as often as I need to in order to win victory over the lies Satan tries to tell me during times of depression.
Coming to the end of the year can bring up a lot of emotions as we think back on everything that has happened. My hope, though, is that by focusing on all of the treasures we received, we can end the year with a sense of gratitude and joy, and go into the next year ready to treasure up all that God has in store for us.

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